Here’s the complete process…
1(a) If you’re pairing your Clear plate with paint, use a roller to cover one side of the supplied paper template in two coats of your chosen colour and leave to dry completely.
1(b) If you’re pairing it with wallpaper, add a strip of double-sided tape to one side of the template. Line up a piece of your wallpaper so it matches the wallpaper on the wall. Hold it in place while you position the template over the back box behind. Press the wallpaper to the template to secure in place with the tape and remove from the wall. Cut around the template using a sharp blade or scissors.
2 Remove the protective backing from both sides of the polycarbonate plate.
3 Hold the painted or wallpapered template over the back box, concealing the wires, and add the plate over the top.
4 Secure by either replacing the toggle ring or the dimmer knob and ring and tightening, or using the supplied screws.
We recommend using a professional to fit all Corston products. Electrical items must be installed by a qualified electrician.
Published on 6th February 2024